Glad Midsommar!!

2011-06-24 @ 12:25:33

The sun is on its way down, and I have finally dragged my lazy ass back here to wish you "Glad Midsommar" while it's still up!! :D
Had the usual day of school, and we got the result back from the "moshi shiken" we did yesterday, not the real test but last year's I think.. Did level 3, and even though it felt far from great while doing it, I managed to hook myself a diploma for being third best in school! :D
Nice to be back home though with the weekend ahead. Will meet up with Saori and Anders and celebrate some late midsummer together either Saturday or Sunday, but for the real evening there's no big plans. Although me and the girls here  have bough a huge mountain of cider, snacks and strawberries (we have even bought a big cake!!^^) that we're planning to get fat on later tonight as a celebration :) I really think we bough way ahead of what we can eat and drink though.. I ought to take a picture and show you, but I don't think I dare :S

So here we are, summery dresses and all for the sake of the day! Out on our balcony, pretending that it's not hot as an oven out there.

Glad Midsommar på er alla därhemma!! Skänk mig en tanke när ni äter all den goa maten ;P

(...o jag vet att jag ser förjävlig ut på bilden, men eftersom det här inte direkt är någon mångmiljonsblogg så orkar jag inte bry mig för mycket om saken)

An update!!

2011-06-10 @ 14:37:44
So, while waiting for the newest episode of Game of Thrones to load, I figured I'd kill some time and get something done over here! Obviously a lot of stuff have happened since the last time I did a proper update, but nothing you won't surive without knowing I'm sure ;)
The week past by really fast, and it's already Friday again. Bought a few -REAL- books in japanese last weekend and have been busy reading  them, so that might be why it feels like I only had time to blink before the week was gone. Really nice to read a real book again though, missed that a lot. And actually not that tough to read one in japanese as I thought it would be. Obviously I didn't understand everything, but enough to enjoy it :)

And we have the rain period over here now by the way. Not so hysterically depressing as everyone told us. A Swedish summer is probably potentially more rainy...

And because I feel sorry for myself -and have nothing better to write-  I can tell you that I woke up this morning from a reeeally strange dream involving biting horses, cursed woods, and a big green, slighly scary Totoro. Got up with a big headache, tried to mend it with a quick nescafé-injection (wich didn't work) and went off to school. Began with a new conjugation of verbs, that I to my own dismay didn't understand at all, and back home again after school, still with a headache. Will try to head to bed early tonight, while (probably in vain) praying for some sane dreams...