An update!!

2011-06-10 @ 14:37:44
So, while waiting for the newest episode of Game of Thrones to load, I figured I'd kill some time and get something done over here! Obviously a lot of stuff have happened since the last time I did a proper update, but nothing you won't surive without knowing I'm sure ;)
The week past by really fast, and it's already Friday again. Bought a few -REAL- books in japanese last weekend and have been busy reading  them, so that might be why it feels like I only had time to blink before the week was gone. Really nice to read a real book again though, missed that a lot. And actually not that tough to read one in japanese as I thought it would be. Obviously I didn't understand everything, but enough to enjoy it :)

And we have the rain period over here now by the way. Not so hysterically depressing as everyone told us. A Swedish summer is probably potentially more rainy...

And because I feel sorry for myself -and have nothing better to write-  I can tell you that I woke up this morning from a reeeally strange dream involving biting horses, cursed woods, and a big green, slighly scary Totoro. Got up with a big headache, tried to mend it with a quick nescafé-injection (wich didn't work) and went off to school. Began with a new conjugation of verbs, that I to my own dismay didn't understand at all, and back home again after school, still with a headache. Will try to head to bed early tonight, while (probably in vain) praying for some sane dreams...

Postat av: Anni

jag är chokerad.

2011-06-14 @ 14:50:15
Postat av: ingalill harty

...jag är också chockerad - men över stavningen....!!!!

2011-06-14 @ 22:21:16
Postat av: ingalill harty

...jag är också chockerad - men över stavningen....!!!!

2011-06-14 @ 22:21:44
Postat av: ingalill

...jag är också chockerad mest över stavningen!!!

2011-06-14 @ 22:23:16

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