
2011-07-01 @ 16:24:43
This morning I wanted to go and die (preferably in bed) when the alarm rung at 6.30. Reason was I signed up a time ago to visit a japanese school close by today. But daaaamn 6.30 is early when you're used to lesson starting at 13.40...
So anyway, me and some other students from (my) school got picked up by a taxi and transported away to the other one. these "chuugakkusei" we were supposed to meet for the day would be something like 7th grade in Swedish schools I think. A loooot of shit happened during these few hours we spent there, and it would be a whole novel if I shouls write it all out here, but in short it was a really interesting, funny, and throughout dreadful experience. We got seperated into classes two and two, of course except for me who had been assigned to a class by my own. Horrayyy, the paper with that information made me have stomachache in a blink of an eye. One of the students from "my" class led the way to their classroom, and thus the schoolday started. They had prepared different facts about Japan that they presented for me, and that was fun and easy to just sit down and listen to. And then they say that it's my turn to go up and present facts about Sweden.... O_O
Since I didn't have friggin clue that I was supposed to do that for them today, that became a long, tortuous embarrasement. Went like "uuuuuuuh, weeeell... ... ... Sweden is a... nice country I think. We have a lot of festivals, like.. *thinking kräftskiva. what the hell can I call that in japanese* uuuuh... midsummer. Christmas is also a big thing in Sweden" >_< And on like that it went in a couple of minutes until I decided to put an end to my own suffering and shut up. I'm NOT good with improvising presentations in Japanese. NOOOT good. I wish I could have gotten a hint about this before hand so I could have prepared something good for them... I did not help to hear from my friends later that none of them had to do this (=_=)

Later on all the students from the classes gathered in a big hall with us foreign students that had come to visit. 300-400 students about. They demonstrated some traditional japanese games (for example something very close to the swedish "blindbock", except that instead of a tail on a donkey, it was a face on a geisha-like princess..), made us play a chop-stick game, and poured traditional tea that they made me and three other of us foreigners sit down and drink at a prepared table. To sip from a small cup of tea while 300 students stare at you was slightly.. awkward..

Had lunch with them, and that was the end for the day with them. I got a story they had presented earlier as thanks. Pictures they painted themselves and stuff, really cute :3

So much else to tell about today, but I guess this will do for today!
...or actually no, one more thing. A swedish guy from my schools morning classes attended today as well, and as we shared the taxi back I had the chance to witness the poularity of western boys here. Hahaha, I laughed so much I cried almost all the way back to my own scool. XD The girls gathered outside when we got into the taxi and screamed (really screamed) after him "I love you!" "iya da!! Don't leave us!!" "We looove yooou!!!" in a fashion that has to be experienced to be believed. I still laugh just by thinking of it! Retelling just won't do...


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